Bone-in chicken with red onion and artichokes

Put some oil in an oven-safe dish and place the bon-in chicken pieces skin down over high heat for app. 8 minutes until golden and the fat has rendered. Turn over and cook meat side down for 2-3 minutes, then set aside. Roast red onion and artichoke hearts cut in half in the same dish 8in the chicken fat), season with salt, pepper and fresh thyme, and add 1.5 dl white wine, scraping the bottom to make sure any chicken pieces get mixed in with the rest. Put the chicken pieces back on top of the rest, skin side up and cook in the oven at 200C for approximately 20 minutes until the inside temperature of the meat reaches 165 F / 75 C. I started with the dish covered and then uncovered for the last 5 minutes to add extra brown to the skin and let the juices reduce. 

