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Roasted lamb shoulder
Make some cuts in the lamb shoulder and leave it to marinate in a roasting pan for two hours or overnight in the fridge. Marinade (for a 1.5~2 kg shoulder): 4 crushed garlic cloves, 1/2 thinly chopped red onion, 2 tablespoons red vinegar, 4 tablespoons fresh thyme, 2 teaspoons sweet paprika (paprika doux), juice from 1/2 lemon, salt & pepper. Once you've rubbed the meat with the marinade add some olive oil and then let sit.
If you can, cook on the BBQ until the inside temperature is right (use a meat thermometer) or cook in the oven at 160 C / 325 F for about 3 hours, adding some water to the pan every 45 minutes and basting the meat. Let rest 15 mns. before carving.
Served here with chickpea puree and mint sauce (saute chopped garlic in olive oil, add cumin seeds, red vinegar, fresh chopped mint and sugar and salt to taste).