Baked onion

Surprising how interesting onion stuffed with onion can taste! Boil large white onions for about 15 minutes, then cut off the top (and a bit of the bottom so the onion can stand up steadily) and empty most of the inside. The recipe I read said "scoop out a tablespoon's worth" but my onions were not gelato like and instead of scooping I'd suggest pressing out the inner onion rings, leaving just 2-3 layers. Sounds complicated but it's not once you have the boiled onion in hand. Wrap a strip of pancetta (bacon) around each onion and secure it with a rosemary sprig or toothpick.
Chop up the onion "scoop", and fry with chopped garlic and rosemary. Take off the heat and mix in some cream and grated parmesan (or pecorino, if that's what you happen to have handy) then stuff the mix in the onion and bake in the oven at 200 C / 400 F for about 25 minutes.
